Are you a visitor to our website and don’t “know” us. What??
Our target audience is friends and family who have been pressured into reading our blog out of fear that we’ll ask them about it later.
No worries… Here’s a short introduction ala PowerPoint bullets (we work too much):
- “Connector” as Gladwell would say (loves bringing people together)
- Do Gooder (PeaceCorps, non-profits, etc.)
- Linguist (comes in handy in random places)
- Best Travel Buddy (compact, resiliant, and gives you the window seat!)
- Web marketer with strong entrepreneurship in her veins
- Alma maters:
- BA: UC San Diego/ UCLA
- MBA: Duke (Fuqua)
- Loves to pedal his bikes (too many bikes)
- Way over-educated (you can’t be a student forever, what!?)
- Well versed in Web and Social Media marketing
- Market insights geek (analysis, data, spreadsheets, mmm….)
- Improv Fan (in awe of those who can pull it off)
- This American Life uberfan (Shh! Ira is talking.)
- Alma maters:
- AA: American River JC
- BA: CSU Sacramento
- PhD: SUNY Stony Brook
- Postdoc: Univ of Vermont
- Associate Professor: Illinois Wesleyan Univ
- MBA: Duke (Fuqua)
And, if you like cheesy wedding slideshows, eat your heart out with this: